5 Reasons Why You Should Lift Your House

 First, people can want to move their home from one location to another to relocate a home. They may desire to move home for historical reasons, get out of a flood-prone area, or build a new roadway nearby. Whatever the purpose, home lifting requires raising the structure, transporting it to a new location, and then lowering it. Contact us for house lifting services.


Underpinning (foundation repair) is a home lifting that involves restoring a broken foundation (minor lift, a few inches). The home is lifted, but not the same way that a house would be lifted to relocate or add a basement.

To add a new floor to your house

House lifting can also be used to add a new foundation to a home to make it larger. For example, someone might seek to turn a one-story house into a two-story house. 

To keep the house safe from flooding

 Houses are also raised to maintain the living space above the vast majority of floods or the appropriate Flood Protection Elevation (FPE) to safeguard the building from flooding. Many homes were raised in the aftermath of storms Sandy and Katrina. 

To excavate a basement

You could even elevate a house to create a basement. People do this because basements boost house value and provide more living space. 

Moving or working beneath a house by lifting it 

Lifting a home to move it or operate beneath it includes putting uniformly spaced jacks beneath it and connecting them to hydraulically driven equipment that can elevate them all simultaneously and by the same amount. Depending on the purpose of the lift, the foundation may also be lifted. Cribbing is installed to support the home after it has been lifted, either before it is moved or while work is being done beneath it. 

While being lifted, furniture might remain inside the house. Because the lifting is done slowly and correctly, it will not only not be damaged, but it will also not move. While the lift may cause minor structural problems, they will be minimal and readily addressed.

Contact us for house lifting services.


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